About Alumni Council

The Mission of the Alumni Council

Our mission is to enrich the lives of Andover alumni by inspiring them to live the values of the Academy and to be a catalyst for lifetime engagement.

The Work of the Alumni Council

  • Alumni Council committees maintain contact between the alumni and selected areas of school life and serve to support the Academy in various endeavors involving alumni.
  • The Alumni Council recognizes alumni for accomplishment and distinction in their fields and as volunteers serving the interests of the Academy in a variety of ways.
  • In alternating years, the Council oversees the nominations that lead to the election of two Alumni Trustees who serve four-year terms on the Board of Trustees.
  • The Alumni Council welcomes the newly graduated class into alumni status.
  • The President presides over the Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association each year on Reunion Weekend.
  • The Alumni Council President serves a three-year term on the Board of Trustees.
  • The Alumni Council chooses new members each year who represent diverse backgrounds and provide a living profile of the entire alumni body.

2023 - 2024 Annual Report of the Alumni Council

Alumni Council Nominations Process

Each spring, the Nominating Committee contacts candidates who have been suggested for membership, as well as those who have expressed an interest for themselves. Candidates are asked to complete a brief statement of interest, indicating volunteer activities for Andover and how their background/experience will contribute to the Council’s activities. In recent years, there have been more candidates than positions available, so it may take 1-3 years before each candidate can be invited to join.

Expectations of Membership

Expectations of membership include serving a four-year term; attending on-campus meetings of the Council twice each year; attending a mandatory orientation meeting; actively participating on an Alumni Council standing committee; helping to organize and participating in Non Sibi projects and other alumni events in their regions; and contributing to the Andover Fund on a yearly basis, as individual circumstances allow.

How to begin the process

If you're interested in joining the Council or nominating an alumna/us, please contact Karleigh Antista in the Office of Alumni Engagement.