Color & Fonts
Brand Colors
Primary Colors
Andover’s brand colors are reflective of Phillips Academy and Abbot Academy. We are the Big Blue, so these colors should always be the predominant swatches tied to our identity.
- PMS: 286C
- CMYK: 100 65 0 10
- RGB: 0 49 167
- HEX: #0031A7
- PMS: 298C
- CMYK: 70 0 0 0
- RGB: 68 184 243
- HEX: 44b8f3
Secondary Colors
Andover’s secondary color palette should be used sparingly and in consultation with our internal graphic designers. Specifically, yellow, orange, green, and teal colors are associated with our outreach and summer programs for intentional sub-branding.
- PMS: 2757
- CMYK: 100 65 0 55
- RGB: 0 29 100
- HEX: #001D64
- PMS: 116
- CMYK: 0 15 100 0
- RGB: 255 212 0
- HEX: #FFD400
- PMS: 116
- CMYK: 0 70 100 0
- RGB: 243 112 33
- HEX: #F37021
- PMS: 376
- CMYK: 50 0 100 0
- RGB: 141 198 63
- HEX: #98CB52
- CMYK: 55 0 25 0
- RGB: 106 201 200
- HEX: #6AC9C8
- PMS: 325
- RGB: 45 45 45
- HEX: #2D2D2D
- RGB: 187 230 254
- RGB: 151 225 230
- HEX: #97E1E6
- RGB: 247 247 247
- HEX: #F7F7F7
The primary fonts for Phillips Academy are Benton Sans and Miller.
If you are an employee of Phillips Academy creating marketing or external communications and need a font license, please contact Communications to request the fonts be installed on your Academy-provided computer.
Go Big Blue!
Benton Sans Regular / Compressed Bold
Andover for Life
Miller Text Regular / Bold
Secondary Fonts
Yorkten Slab can be used for captions, quotes, and callouts and is available through Adobe Fonts.
“Goodness without knowledge is weak and feeble...”
Yorkten Slab Normal
Alternative (Fallback) Fonts
The primary or secondary fonts may not be available for usage in marketing emails, presentation decks, Canva, etc. Acceptable fallback fonts are News Gothic, Franklin Gothic, Arial, Georgia, and Times.