Equity & Inclusion

We want to build a community that’s strong enough to support—to honor, to encourage, to celebrate—every single person on campus.

Our Community and Multicultural Development (CAMD) office is a living, breathing embodiment of that spirit. It sponsors fascinating speakers and programs, funds intensive student research and serves as a second home for many, right in the center of campus.

Our Brace Center for Gender Studies—a resource that is unique to Andover—sponsors lectures, films and forums and funds student and faculty research that sheds light on a broad range of issues related to gender, sexuality, race and ethnicity.

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2022 CAMD Block Party

Brace Center EID celebration

Students in CAMD

Take Back the Night.

When we live life authentically and feel a strong sense of belonging, we thrive. We feel whole and healthy, ready to learn, share, and help others as well.

Linda Carter Griffith Assistant Head of School for Equity, Inclusion and Wellness

Meet our Advisors

We're here to talk, listen, laugh and grow with our students.

Aquita Winslow

Dean, Community and Multicultural Developent

[email protected]

Patricia Har ’95

"I am fascinated by vitality in bodies and objects, narrative ecologies, hagiography, confessions, and complaints, and wandering."

view full profile [email protected]

Rev. Gina M. Finocchiaro ’97

Rev. Gina Finocchiaro is ordained in the United Church of Christ and is deeply involved in social justice issues.

view full profile [email protected]

Hector Membreno-Canales

Hector’s work explores official histories, American patriotism, and the Military-Industrial Complex.

view full profile [email protected]

Yasmine Allen

Spanish Instructor, CAMD Advisor

view full profile [email protected]

Lisa Joel

“Providing various opportunities for our full community to engage in sport, fitness, and wellness opportunities is my passion.”

view full profile [email protected]

Lilia Cai

Dr. Cai's pedagogical goal is to teach Chinese in a culturally responsive way that connects to students' various aspects of identities.

view full profile [email protected]

Andy Wall P’27

Head of Natural Sciences Division, Chemistry Instructor and Department Chair, Brace Center Advisory Board

view full profile [email protected]

With dozens of countries and nearly every U.S. state represented on our campus, we have much to learn from one another. Faculty are eager to help students navigate—and celebrate!—Andover’s culturally rich, intentionally diverse community.

The Brace Center for Gender Studies

The Brace Center’s current aim is to advance the institutional efforts towards intersectional gender equity and inclusion by offering resources and developing initiatives that affect all areas of the students' experience — academic, athletic, residential, and extracurricular — through collaborative efforts across the full range of campus constituencies: students, faculty, staff, alumni, and parents.

In addition, the Center continues its strong tradition of scholarly research on gender issues through its Brace Student and Faculty Fellow programs and the senior colloquium on gender theory, headed by current director Patricia Har ’95. In her role, she is assisted by a faculty and a student advisory board comprised of campus experts on feminism and social-justice activism.

Brace Center Advisory Board

Faculty/Staff: Patricia Har ’95, Ella Houlihan, Lisa Joel, Corrie Martin, Ariba Naqvi, Marisela Ramos, Nick Thayer, Andy Wall, Nick Zufelt

Community and Multicultural Development

The mission of the CAMD office is to raise awareness and encourage understanding of differences of race, gender, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic class, geographical origin, and sexual orientation. The office sponsors workshops, lectures, and educational programs for the entire Phillips Academy community and contains a small library. The resources and staff in the office are available for everyone in our community.

CAMD fosters the belief that through investigation and greater understanding of experiences outside of our own, we come to a greater understanding of ourselves. Therefore, we sponsor a variety of cultural and religious clubs and organizations as well as support many campus-wide celebrations: Asian Arts Festival, Gay Pride Celebration, International Women’s Day, Latino Arts Celebration, Community Service Public Service Speaker Series, Black Arts Weekend, Jewish Cultural Weekend, Muslim Student Union and many more.

International Students

Andover has a current enrollment of approximately 1,100 young students from 43 states and 52 foreign countries. It varies from year to year, but at present, 11.5% of the total student body is made up of international students.

A sampling of campus events
  • International Dance and BBQ
  • Mixed Heritage Awareness Week
  • Black Arts Weekend
  • CAMD Scholar presentations
  • Jewish Cultural Weekend
  • Holi Festival of Colors
  • National Coming Out Day
  • Brace Student Fellow presentations
  • CelebrAsian
  • Latin Arts Weekend
International Students

Andover has a current enrollment of approximately 1,100 young students from 41 states and 47 foreign countries. It varies from year to year, but at present, 15% of the total student body is made up of international students.

2023 - 2024 CAMD Scholars & Brace Fellows

Gui Lima 24 | CAMD Scholar
Pedagogy of the Brazilian Favela: Fighting a Century of Oppression Inside the Classroom

Max Berkenbilt ’24 | Brace Fellow
An Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: A Series of Teach-Ins

Tam Gavenas ’25 | CAMD Scholar
A History of Trade-Offs: The Black Scholar-Athlete in U.S. Colleges, 1968–2023

Sarah Pan 24 | CAMD Scholar
Now Approaching Dystopia: What the Hazy Promise of AI Alignment Means For Us

Chloe Rhee ‘24 | CAMD Scholar
Knowledge Without Goodness? Phillips Academy, Abolition, and the Anti-Slavery 1830-1860

Nadia Choophungart 24 | Brace Fellow
Reshaping Religion: Examining the Evolution of Therevada Buddhism by Women in Thailand

Anna Du ‘24 | Brace Fellow
It Was a Pleasure to Burn: The Development of Queer Censorship in the United States