A Place to Call Home

This is our community. We strive to make it vibrant and inclusive. Some of the greatest lessons our students learn take place outside of the classroom. On the field, at the dinner table, in the common room—your world is what you make it at Andover.


Lawning is a serious verb at Andover. Relax with a good book, stream a playlist, or toss around a frisbee on the Great Lawn during a warm spring day.

There are a lot of outdoor settings where students can relax, play, study, or socialize.

“I love the idea of living with your friends. Day students, boarding students—the people on this campus are the people you turn to when you need support, or comfort, or guidance.”

Lila Senior | Yarmouth, ME

In Case you were Wondering

  • We do not have a dress code. Bring your own style.
  • You will meet your life-long best friends here. Guaranteed.
  • Every student is required to participate in an afternoon activity like athletics, community service, or life sports (like dance, yoga or Outdoor Pursuits).
  • Different dorms and clusters have different personalities. Students are fiercely loyal to where they live and show their pride with custom gear.
  • Snow days rarely happen at Andover. Pack your boots!
  • Boredom doesn't really exist here. There's always something happening on the weekend.
  • Paresky Commons serves delicious pizza, stir-fry, and a massive salad bar, not to mention favorites like burgers, pasta and frozen yogurt.
  • Downtown Andover is a quick 10 minute walk away.
  • Each student has a team of 18+ adults (advisors, house counselors, instructors, coaches, etc.) watching out for them.

Boarding, Day & International

No matter where you’re from or where you live while attending Andover, everyone is part of the Big Blue family. Learn more about residential life and what to expect as a Phillips Academy community member.


residential clusters (like neighborhoods)


boarding students


day students


countries represented in the student body


student-run clubs and organizations


of faculty live on campus


Prefect = student mentor living in a junior (9th-grade) dorm. Proctor = student mentor living in an upperclass dorm. Other excellent things about living all together: eating home-cooked meals with your house counselor's family. Getting ready for a dance or pep rally with friends. Spending a holiday with your roommate’s family.

Whether a boarder or day student, you'll make friends that last a lifetime.

Beyond the Classroom

students dancing

Student Activities and Leadership

Andover fosters bold, thoughtful, and engaged student leadership. There’s a ton to do for fun, and you can also make a difference in the process.

Andover student with young kids

Community Engagement

Our Office of Community Engagement, which nurtures the non sibi spirit in our students, oversees dozens of ongoing initiatives.

Ultimate Frisbee

Health and Wellness

Our commitment to empathy and balance ensures that all students receive expert care as well as a comprehensive, multiyear health curriculum.

PA Safety officers

Safety and Support

We strive to foster a supportive learning environment that supports each student’s personal growth and intellectual development.

Candles lit in Cochran Chapel

Spiritual and Religious Life

The aim of our interfaith ministry is to respond to the many and varied spiritual needs of the Andover community.

flowers in front of building

A Greener Blue

Discover Andover’s sustainability initiatives, from green roofs to the community garden to our Climate Action Plan.