May 30, 2018

Artful Remembrance

On May 19, Phillips Academy unveiled a bronze bust of Lt. Cmdr. Erik S. Kristensen ’91
by Tracy Sweet

In recognition of his participation in Andover crew and his devotion to country, Phillips Academy unveiled a bronze bust of Lt. Cmdr. Erik S. Kristensen ’91, USN SEAL during a special ceremony held at The William H. Brown 1934 Boathouse May 19.

Kristensen was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2005 while leading Operation Red Wing to save embattled fellow SEALs. Dozens of friends, members of Andover and the Military, and the PA community joined Kristensen’s parents, Suzanne Kristensen and Rear Adm. Edward K. Kristensen, USN, for a tribute prior to the final crew race of the season.

The bust was created by Chas Fagan ’84, a portraitist, sculptor, and painter who has crafted numerous historical American pieces. Fagan was inspired to create the sculpture after reading the novel Lone Survivor, an eyewitness account of Operation Red Wing. “I wanted to capture a moment in history that should not be forgotten,” Fagan said.

Before he began work, Fagan met with the Kristensens, who shared stories and photos of their son. “It’s through them that I was able to envision and shape this bust,” Fagan said. “Erik the friend, Erik the teacher, Erik the SEAL, and Erik the son. They helped me to see him as more than just a famous Navy SEAL, but to show his confidence, warmth, and humor. That is what I tried to convey.”

Categories: Alumni

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