February 01, 2024
Midyear momentum
How annual donors are driving the Andover student experience this yearAt the midpoint of the academic and fiscal year, there’s much to celebrate about the generosity of the Andover community. Dedicated support from PA alumni, families, and friends enables the Academy to offer a distinctive and world-class education to our students, in an inclusive and transformative environment.
And thanks to that steadfast support, the Office of Academy Resources (OAR) is pleased to report on recent successes and progress toward key fundraising goals. This year, OAR is charged with securing participation from 27 percent of Andover alumni and 65 percent of families—and so far, nearly half of both groups have answered the call.
“We are tremendously grateful for each donor who chooses to strengthen Andover with their gifts,” said Director of Development Nicole Cherubini. “PA is only possible because of their thoughtfulness and commitment.”
Annual donations are especially critical because they close the gap between PA’s endowment and tuition resources and the financial requirements of our learning environment. This gap must be met to safeguard Andover’s mission to educate youth from every quarter, and to ensure that all students have access to the school’s dynamic offerings.
Responsive and ready
Each year, donors boost every aspect of PA with gifts of all sizes to the Andover Fund. The fund provides essential resources that enable the Academy to address its top priorities and most urgent needs.
“We have witnessed the impact of alumni participation and the Andover Fund,” said Annual Giving Board co-chairs Terry-Ann Burrell ’95 and Sanjiv S. Desai ’89, P’24. “With need-blind admission, equity and inclusion programming, and more, this philanthropy directly benefits our campus and students’ experiences.”
Every donation is put to direct and immediate use—with unrestricted gifts offering maximum flexibility to strengthen financial aid, academic excellence, health and wellness, and other important initiatives across campus.
Donors have bolstered this vital resource with their powerful support:
- The Andover Fund covers almost 10 percent of the Academy’s operating budget.
- 2,251 donors gave between $1 and $499 to this priority—totaling more than $270,000.
- Gifts received from 3,334 donors were earmarked for the Andover Fund.
Family Ties
Andover families provide crucial assistance and comprise an essential component of the Academy’s overall participation landscape. The school depends on and values steady engagement and generosity from current families, as well as past families and grandparents. And now in FY24, families are welcomed alongside alumni under the Andover Fund umbrella. This honors their commitment to preserving the integral educational opportunities that define the Andover experience.
PA families are off to an impressive start this year:
- 440 current Andover families to date have shared their support with a gift.
- Donations designated to the Andover Fund from families total more than $2.2 million.
- Andover has received more than 400 contributions from grandparents and graduated families, continuing their encouragement of today’s students.
With Gratitude
The ongoing impact of this early action from the Andover community will be felt across campus this spring and beyond—and PA remains extraordinarily grateful for this meaningful funding.
To join the excitement, please consider a gift of any size—and stay tuned for more news about PA Giving Day, Andover’s global day of giving, coming up on March 27.
A new look
The freshly updated Andover Fund logo features the armillary sphere—the uniquely Andover icon that conveys inspiration and charts directional course. The circular nature of the sphere calls to mind the global reach of the community and embraces the suggestion of continuity. The armillary sphere is instantly recognizable to the Andover family, offering a tangible connection to campus and prompting appreciation of and reflection on the meaning of this Academy mainstay.
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