A Transformative 5-week Academic Experience

Our 2024 application is closed for the season. Please check with us in Fall 2024 for information about Summer 2025.

Established in 1942, Phillips Academy's Summer Session in Andover, Massachusetts, is the premier summer academic enrichment program in the country helping students from across the United States and around the world to achieve their educational goals. For five weeks, students with ambitious academic goals prepare for the rigors of the best high schools colleges and the challenge of leading and serving in this complex world. Through an extensive array of both innovative and traditional courses, Andover Summer brings together more than 600 students from all parts of the world for the experience of a lifetime.

LOWER SCHOOL INSTITUTE (5 weeks, boarding & day)

Appropriate for students entering seventh and eighth grades or ages ~12-13. LSI students engage in our five-week academic program that integrates multiple subjects under the umbrella of a single theme. All LSI students attend multiple off-site field trips, live in gender-specific dormitories, and attend afternoon and weekend activities coordinated together. Students may enroll in LSI as day students.

UPPER SCHOOL (5 weeks, boarding & day)

Appropriate for students entering ninth through 12th grades or ages ~14-17. Upper School students may select their course of study from over 60 possible options. Expanded for Summer 2024, rising ninth graders will have the option to enroll in our 9th Grade Academy, a predetermined set of courses designed intentionally to allow for participation in a tight-knit living and learning community. All of our Upper School students live in gender-specific dorms, participate in daily afternoon activities, and have the option to attend weekly off-campus visits to colleges and universities within the New England area. Students in our Upper School may opt to enroll as day or boarding students.

ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS (5 weeks, boarding & day)

Our English Language Learners Institute is designed for rising 7th-12th graders or ages 12-17 who come from non-English speaking homes and are looking to develop greater fluency and proficiency with the English language. Five distinct course offerings at the Upper School level and our Witchcraft in New England course at the Lower School level allow our ELL students to surround themselves in a safe and nurturing academic environment with instructors who specialize in supporting this population of students. While our English Language Learners Institute students engage in a separate set of course offerings, they live with other Andover Summer students and take part in all afternoon and weekend activities available to the Upper School and Lower School cohort, respectively.


“I walked into Andover with high expectations and walked out with those expectations exceeded. The experience was amazing and I got to meet so many new people and experience new things."
-Alexis Zhao, Summer Session '23
“Andover Summer is a fantastic experience. The chance to meet new friends and make new memories!"
-Benedict Domville, Summer Session '21, '22, '23



What are the dates for Summer Session?

The on-campus Summer Session program is scheduled to take place July 2-August 4, 2024.

What is the cost to attend?

Please visit our Tuition & Dates page for a breakdown of costs associated with each program.

Is financial aid available?

We understand that the cost of on-campus programs may be prohibitive for some students and families, and as such, we directly allocate or partner with supporting organizations to provide nearly half a million dollars in financial aid each summer, ensuring broad access to the Andover Summer experience. Typically, only families working with Andover Summer Program Partners are eligible for Financial Aid.  Please contact the Summer Session Office if you have questions about the possibility of working with one of our Program Partners. On occasion, a very limited amount of funding is available after our allocation to program partners, however, international students, students who attend an independent (private) school during the academic year, and returning Summer Session students are not eligible for financial aid awards.  If you wish to be considered for any remaining aid, both your Andover Summer and financial aid application must be completed no later than February 15, 2024. Please visit the Financial Aid page of our website for the financial aid application.

Do I have to attend the full five weeks?

Yes, you are required to attend the full five-week session. Students who leave before the official end of Summer Session will not receive grades or teachers’ comments.

When will I select my courses?

After receiving an offer of admission and submitting a deposit and Enrollment Agreement, students will be able to register for the course(s) of their choice through the Parent Portal. Courses fill on a rolling basis, so this is a first-come, first-served opportunity. Therefore, it is advantageous to submit applications as early as possible. Our application will open in early November.

What does a typical day look like?

While schedules vary for each of our institutes (Upper/ELL and Lower), a general overview can be found by viewing our "Day in the Life at Summer Session" tab.

How is Phillips Academy responding to COVID-19?

The Academy is following local and state public health guidelines to make informed decisions about its covid-19 response. While we strongly encourage students attending our on-campus programs to be vaccinated for influenza and covid-19, these vaccines are not required at this time. We will communicate if data and public health guidance suggest we need to reconsider in the future.​

Will I receive credit or a certificate after completing Andover Summer Session?

Course credit is determined by a student’s home institution. End-of-session comments will be provided to all students, along with a graded or mastery-based assessment. For convenience, Andover Summer will provide a chart outlining the rough equivalents of each mastery level in more traditional grading scales, but we encourage students and families to remember that when pursuing mastery, it's not about the grades.

How much homework will I have?

We expect that students will put in roughly ~60-120 minutes of work daily per course.

What are the technology requirements for the program?

Students are expected to bring a Chromebook or equivalent laptop device to Summer Session. Many of our courses utilize the Canvas Learning Management platform. All Summer Session students will be provided with an Andover email address and wifi credentials allowing them to access the internet and online tools from anywhere on the Phillips Academy campus.

Will I have free time?

Yes, plenty! Days are structured to allow time for required classes, activities, and appointments. There is also ample time for individual study and relaxation, as well as social events or a 5-minute walk to downtown Andover. During free time, students may use athletic facilities, visit campus museums, study in the library, walk to town for ice cream or to stock up on snacks for their dorm rooms, or simply hang out with friends on the Great Lawn. Part of the Summer Session experience is learning how to manage one’s time and be independent.

Do I have to live on campus to attend?

No, students may opt to attend Summer Session as either day or boarding students. Keep in mind that you must live within commuting distance or have a local residence to stay near campus if you choose to attend as a day student.

What kind of rules are there?

We expect all students to come to Phillips Academy for a serious purpose and be prepared to engage in a challenging academic experience. Our Andover Summer Core Blue document reflects fundamental community standards and expectations for all students participating in summer programming offered at Phillips Academy. Rules and regulations, such as prohibitions on smoking and drug and alcohol use, are clearly noted in our Upper School and Lower School Handbooks which are made available to admitted students upon enrollment. Students sign a community agreement, thus committing to living honestly, safely, responsibly, and respectfully in a multicultural setting.


What is dorm life like?

For students who soon will be faced with the responsibility and independence of college life, a summer of living in a dorm is a great opportunity to develop self-discipline, time management skills, and respect for others from different backgrounds. With guidance from trained faculty members who also live in the dorms, students learn the flexibility and spirit of cooperation needed for living happily with others. During quiet evening study hours, many students choose to settle in their rooms to prepare for class the next morning, while others choose to study in groups in the dorm common room or head to the library, science center, or other designated place of study. The dorms also serve as a comfortable social environment in which students develop lasting friendships with peers and faculty. Living closely with other young people from widely differing backgrounds is one of the most rewarding experiences of Summer Session.

Can I request a roommate?

We do not allow friends or relatives to share a dorm room. Some of the greatest benefits of this program are learning how to get along with others and making new friends from around the world. You will certainly see your friends or relatives often while you’re here, and you'll have different experiences to share with one another.

May I choose the type of dorm I want to live in?

The Academy has a variety of dormitories, some of which are not available for Summer Session use. Dormitory placements include consideration of age, grade, courses, date of application, and geographic, ethnic, and racial diversity. You will receive a card that has your dormitory assignment when you arrive on campus for Summer Session during the registration process. The location of your classes, your instructors, and the times your courses meet will also be given out at this time.

Who will look after me during my stay at Andover?

Experienced, enthusiastic, and caring house counselors get to know each student personally and help students adapt to dorm living. House counselors, who often serve as teachers during Summer Session, will help with any questions or concerns. The main point of contact for students and parents, house counselors write a report at the end of the five weeks about each student’s Summer Session experience.

What happens if I get sick or injured during my time at Summer Session?

Please see our Safety and Wellness section for information about our Sykes Wellness Center and Campus Safety Department.

What is health and safety like at Summer Session?

Health and Safety are of paramount importance here at Summer Session. The  Rebecca M. Sykes Wellness Center is open for urgent and routine care Monday—Friday,  9 a.m. – 5 p.m. There is also a nurse at the Sykes Wellness Center 24/7  and a physician and counselor on-call while Andover Summer is in session.

Students can drop in anytime for medical care, guidance, or information. The Academy’s Campus Safety officers patrol the campus 24/7. These friendly faces seen all around campus can be reached quickly at 978-749-4444 and are always ready to assist. Andover also utilizes a blue-light system where students can quickly access emergency services from a variety of locations across campus.

What is the town of Andover like?

The Town of Andover, located within Essex County in Massachusetts, is a quintessential New England town with a variety of dining and retail options. The town is a quick 5-minute, sidewalk safe walk from the Phillips Academy campus. Summer Session students regularly frequent the local eateries and enjoying spending time at destinations such as Starbucks, Bertucci’s, Café Nero, CVS, Cup 89 Boba and more.


How do I apply?

The Andover Summer application is an online application that can be accessed on our website and will open in early November. Visit our Summer Session Admissions page for more information about the application process.

What is required in the application?

Please visit the Summer Session Admissions page for more detailed information about application requirements.

When is the application deadline?

Andover Summer Session admits students on a rolling basis beginning in early November and ending when the program is full (usually in mid-March). We will continue to admit students to a waitlist when the program becomes full. Therefore, applying early to the program is strongly encouraged. Those working with a program partner must have all materials submitted by March 1 for consideration. All others should adhere to a May 15 deadline. Applications completed after this date will not be considered and no refunds for the application fee will be provided.

When will I get my decision?

Once all recommendations and transcripts have been submitted by your teachers and school administrators, your application will be considered by the Admissions team, and a decision will be issued within 10-14 business days.

International Students

Does Andover Summer Session offer an English Language Learners program?

Yes, Andover Summer offers a comprehensive ELL program for students in grades 9-12. Please click here to view detailed information about the ELL program.

What type of Visa do I need to attend Summer Session?

Andover Summer can assist with documentation for the issuance of a B2 tourist visa. Our program is not eligible for issuance of the F1 student visa. Given time constraints in many countries on obtaining tourist visas, please confirm your ability to obtain a B2 tourist visa or status as a member of an ESTA country before applying or accepting a spot in the program.

Is financial aid available for international students?

No, only U.S. citizens who currently file taxes in the U.S. are eligible for financial aid awards.

Working at Summer Session

Does Andover Summer Session hire outside faculty for the summer?

Yes, Andover Summer regularly hires between 60-100 outside faculty members to supplement the Phillips Academy faculty members who choose to work in the summer. This group includes college-aged Teaching Assistants and Administrative Interns, Afternoon Activity Coaches, Residential Assistants, Lead Teachers, and Lead House Counselors. Please click here to view detailed information about available positions and to begin an application.

2023 on-campus programming at a glance
  • 557 Boarding Students, 82 Day Students
  • 31 States & 42 Countries Represented
  • 65 Upper School Offerings
  • 10 Lower School Offerings
  • 5 Optional Courses, 22 Afternoon Activities
  • Comprehensive College Counseling Program
  • Princeton Review Program (ACT, SAT & SSAT Prep)